• Rider Faqs

Reserving Your Trip

There are several convenient ways to book your next accessible ride:
• Call our dispatch center directly at (646) 599-9999, or call 311
• Use the Accessible Dispatch mobile app
Book online
Accessible Dispatch accepts both on-demand and advance reservation requests. That means you can either book your ride when you need it, or call us up to 24 hours in advance to reserve. Booking your trip in advance, especially for pick-ups in the outer boroughs, allows us to ensure we can provide you the timeliest service and shortest wait time.
Passengers can order a vehicle through Accessible Dispatch for trips starting in all five boroughs.
Passengers pay the standard metered rate set by the TLC. Accessible Dispatch passengers do not pay any additional fees.

What to Expect During Your Trip

As part of being licensed TLC drivers, Accessible Dispatch drivers are trained in entering and exiting protocols, as well as mobility device securement, and are required to assist you in getting in and out of the vehicle.
Yes, all drivers licensed by the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) are required to complete wheelchair passenger assistance training. The in-person training is designed to teach drivers best practices, such as how to operate the ramp and securements in the vehicle and how to safely assist passengers.

The TLC also released a series of videos highlighting how to pick up and drop off passengers with disabilities. These step-by-step videos show drivers everything from how to secure a passenger in a wheelchair accessible vehicle, to appropriate behavior when assisting someone with a disability. These tools remind drivers of the steps they should take and provides suggestions on how to provide excellent customer service. Take a look at these resources:

  • Full-Length Videos: There are two full-length versions of the video that contain everything drivers need to know about taking a trip in either a Nissan NV200 or a Toyota Sienna.
  • Short Videos: The TLC also created shorter videos that concentrate on different steps of a wheelchair accessible trip, such as how to open the ramp and how to properly secure a passenger who uses a wheelchair. Each video has subtitles in 12 different languages to make it easier for everyone to understand.
  • WAV Securement Guide: The TLC has also developed a guide that illustrates the WAV securement process step-by-step. The full web version is printable and can be folded down the middle width-wise, like a pamphlet. You can access both the printable version, the mobile web version, and the securement videos by clicking here.

If you have experienced any driver training or behavior issues, please submit a complaint to 311.

Different accessible vehicle models have different capacities. Please specify the number of passengers when making your trip request.
Yes, service animals are permitted in all vehicles licensed by the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC), including yellow or green taxis.

Accessible taxi service is available at New York City airports through the official taxi stands. You do not need to call Accessible Dispatch.
Accessible Dispatch passengers pay the standard metered fares set by the Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC), including trips taken in green SHL taxis. The driver is not permitted to negotiate a fare.

About Accessible Dispatch

As of January 2024, there are approximately 3,700 accessible yellow and green taxis on the road throughout the five boroughs.
We incentivize drivers to take Accessible Dispatch trips by paying them a dispatch payment for traveling to your location. This fee is not passed along to you.
Please let us know your thoughts by calling us at (646) 599-9999, emailing us at accessibledispatch@mtm-inc.net, or clicking here to fill out our online form.

Please submit complaints to 311.

Need a Ride?
Click Here to Call and Book Today
Click Here To Download the Accessible Dispatch App
Click Here to  Book Your Trip Online