Enrolling & Participating in Accessible Dispatch
Please report inoperable equipment to 311.
Accessible Dispatch Fares & Payments
You can turn on the meter to begin the fare once the passenger is seated and secured in the vehicle.
Drivers cannot charge additional fees for transporting passengers with a mobility device.
Drivers receive an additional payment for the distance traveled to the pick up point.
Dispatch Payments for Passenger Pick-Ups
Miles | Dollars |
Up to 0.5 | $15 |
0.5 – 1 | $20 |
1 – 1.5 | $25 |
1.5 – 2 | $30 |
More than 2 | $35 |
Other Payments
No-Show | + $10 |
Cancellations | – $5 |
Tolls | EZ-Pass Rate |
All dispatch and passenger no-show/cancellation payments are calculated and approved by Accessible Dispatch.
You can only receive two no-show/cancellation payments per week.
The MTA’s New York City Transit Access-A-Ride (AAR) Paratransit Service provides public transportation for eligible customers with disabilities that prevent them from using the public buses and subways.
Accepting & Taking Accessible Dispatch Trips
When you are available and selected to take an Accessible Dispatch trip, a trip notification will appear on your DIM screen. You must accept the trip. Once you accept the trip, you cannot pick up a street hail or other pre-arranged trip.
You are then entitled to the no-show payment, and can return to other street hail or dispatch work.
Please note that you cannot collect more than two cancellation/no-show payments in one week.
Please note that you cannot collect more than two cancellation/no-show payments in one week.
Owner and Driver Responsibilities
• Ensure dispatch equipment is installed and maintained in all wheelchair accessible vehicles.
• Promptly replace or repair inoperable dispatch equipment within 48 hours of notification.
Click here for more information on the renewal course, including a list of all authorized course providers.